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2 min read
Landing Heel First vs. Toe First
As the horse lands on his heel, the soft tissue structures of the frog, digital cushion and lateral cartilages absorb the impact. If the...

2 min read
Kissing Spines
Recent study with UC Davis of the differences in distance between the spinous processes when a horse is hanging out in the neutral...

3 min read
Spinal Integrity
"I was fortunate enough to have Celeste work on my 5 year old Haflinger who had a mystery lameness that we couldn’t figure out. We had...

2 min read
The Traveling Horse Witch
After having massive success with a slew of lameness cases that were deemed impossible by multiple vets, I arrived at a barn one morning...

2 min read
Training For Soundness
"Thank you so much for answering my deepest questions about the horse this weekend. Things that I have struggled with for years with no...

3 min read
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
This is probably the holy grail of my work. Several years ago, I went to a fantastic human massage therapy program that specialized in...

3 min read
Thoughts On Ulcers
Around 75% of sessions I give, the horses test positive to the acupressure points. Common symptoms: Sensitive skin Aggressive behavior...

4 min read
What is Nerve Release Bodywork?
Nerve Release bodywork is any modality that specializes in creating healthy space around the peripheral nerves to aid in as much healthy...
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