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2 min read
It's Never Too Late
It’s a blurry cell phone shot. It’s nothing fancy and you can barely tell who it is… But this photo and this moment was and is,...

2 min read
The Art of Holding Space, Giving Space and Sharing Space
I can teach people my nerve release methodology and my developmental exercises, but none of that will ever matter if you do not take the...

2 min read
We Aren’t in War Anymore
“We aren’t in war anymore”. When you look back at the history of the Vaquero, you can find where it split from a slow artful horsemanship...

2 min read
We Create Heavy Horses
“We create heavy horses.” If you’ve spent any amount of time watching horses move around freely, you’ll know that there’s no such thing...

2 min read
The Importance of Correct Posture When Releasing Compensatory Patterns
Denoix and Pailloux gave this statement regarding physiotherapy for dysfunction in the stifle - “Go out for walks, interspersed with...

2 min read
It's About the Mirror
Horses are the greatest mirrors we could ask for in our lives. They keep us accountable with the tensions that we hold within our bodies...

2 min read
An ode to the saddle fitters, the bodyworkers, the farriers and the Veterinarians.
You work tirelessly, day after day. Continued education any chance you get. You signed up for this for the horses. To make a difference....

3 min read
The Meaning Behind the Footsteps
"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought. Seek the meaning behind their footsteps, and not upon the...

3 min read
The Horses Teach the Clinics
So let’s talk about this photo - Those that were there got to feel it and watch the entire energy unfold. But the rest of the world needs...

2 min read
Babies, Birth Trauma, and Behavior
Everything that I’ve learned about movement and postural rehabilitation, I learned from the horse. How certain muscles play off of one...

3 min read
Balance on the Bend
"My horse falls in on the circle." One of the most sought after and most controversial movements in horse training (across disciplines)...

3 min read
Holding Space vs. Counter Conditioning
I’ve been wanting to write about this for quite some time now, and every time I go to do it I find myself at either a loss for words...

3 min read
Thoughts on Learned Helplessness
“Learned Helplessness.” We’ve all heard this term by now, and I wanted to offer a more behavioral insight as to what it is and where it...

3 min read
When is enough, enough?
"When is enough, enough?" I commented on a post in a Facebook group where the poster was asking people if they thought they should put...

2 min read
Rules of Thumb for the Thoracic Sling
“When is my horse fit enough in its thoracic sling to ride?” There are a ton of different things to look at, making considerations to any...

2 min read
My Hands, My Seat, and The Horse
I once heard a trainer say - “Man that was a good workout, he’s going to be sore tomorrow!” And it never sat right with me… As humans, we...

2 min read
Lifting the Front End
“Well, she says some good things, but she also believes that you lift the front end by the thoracic sling instead of by activating the...

1 min read
The Art of Connection
Connection - You pick up the reins of the modern english horse, and they don’t even hear the contact. Pressure falls on a calloused mouth...

5 min read
A Letter From The Creator
I would like to begin our work together with a very honest note to you, reader. I have never taken a course on equine rehabilitation. I...

2 min read
Case Study - Stringhalt
Sudden onset of stringhalt in a 3 year old mare. Presented in one hind leg. Professional diagnoses was stringhalt due to ingestion of...
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